Elizabeth Whitely BSN, RN![ElizabethWhitely](/images/ElizabethWhitely.jpg)
Where did you grow up and go to school?
I grew up in the farm country of Northeast, Ohio. I received my BSN from Franciscan University of Steubenville!
Share with us about your family.
I was raised in a beautiful, faith-filled Catholic family and am very close to my parents, brothers and sister. My husband, Justin and I will celebrate our first anniversary next month! We are so blessed by the love and support of both our families.
Tell us about what brought you to Heartbeat International.
I had worked as an inpatient pediatric nurse for four years and was looking for new opportunities. I heard about Heartbeat International and the Nurse Advocate position through my friend, Teresa Tholany. Having grown up in the pro-life movement, the cause of life has always been near to my heart! I could never have imagined working as a nurse for Life in such a direct and powerful way! As the doors kept opening, it became quickly apparent that this was where the Lord wanted me to be. My time at Heartbeat has been a joy and blessing!
Tell us about your experiences helping women on the APR Hotline.
Humbling is the best way I can describe it. Hearing the voices and stories of women seeking a second chance and fighting for the life of their child is truly an honor! The courage and strength of the women we serve never ceases to inspire me! It has given me a deep awareness that the choice to have an abortion is born out of very difficult, complicated and deeply personal circumstances. When a woman calls the hotline the circumstances of her life have not changed, but her heart has! I am grateful for the opportunity to witness her courage, offer hope and let her know she is not alone!
What has surprised you the most about the APR Hotline?
I was surprised by the roller-coaster ride that is APR! There are the beautiful high moments of finally being able to find a provider or seeing a text from a client stating that she delivered her healthy baby. Then there are the low moments when a client decides to continue the abortion or experiences a loss. Often these experiences are woven together as you offer words of support and sympathy to the client who lost her baby and then turn to congratulate the other client on the birth of her child.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
One of my favorite bible verses is Revelation 21:5 “Behold, I make all things new.” The best part of my work is seeing the countless ways the Lord brings newness into every situation! Whether it is the client with a successful reversal, an insincere caller or the client who experiences a loss, the Lord uses APR to not only save lives, but also to change hearts. Even the most difficult situations are an opportunity to speak the truth and share the love of Christ with our clients. We may not be able to save every baby, but each call is an opportunity to offer new life to the women we serve!
What are your favorite things to do outside of work?
Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, building a small homestead with my husband, reading good books (especially Tolkien and C.S. Lewis), baking sourdough bread and pretty much anything outside in the fresh air and sunshine!
What else would you like to share?
I would like to say thank you to all our wonderful APR providers! Your availability, skill and care for our clients never goes unnoticed. I have been inspired by the sacrifices you make, and the mountains you move to care for these women and their precious babies! May God Bless you!!