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(Formerly called Govern Well 2nd Edition) The combination of two virtues that energizes board members is made up of a passion for the center’s vision and the heart of a servant-leader. Governing Essentials™ helps new and seasoned board members move your center to the next level of effectiveness by connecting — or reconnecting — with these qualities as expressed in six key areas: Goals, Ownership, Values, Effect, Regulate, and Nurture. The manual includes sample org charts, job descriptions, calendars, financial reports, vision and mission statements, and more!
Your board will value the Governing Essentials manual for its clear, practical, and spiritually uplifting insight into how different boards lead their organizations. This manual helps guide board members toward a common vision and toward a consensus of expectations, so that they can focus resources on their common mission.
Governing Essentials also supports the spiritual growth of board members who lead by radiating our Christ-based vision of a bright future to everyone touched by the organization. Center directors tell us that they and their board members not only read this manual, they study it, and keep it on hand as a ready reference.
(Formerly called Govern Well 2nd Edition)
Section I: GOVERN describes the roles of the Board and kinds of Boards
Section II: G stands for Goals
Section III: O stands for Ownership
Section IV: V stands for Values
Section V: E stands for Effect
Section VI: R stands for Regulate
Section VII: N stands for Nurture
Section VIII: Special issues
Section IX: Well Done: thoughts for governing, directing, and leading
Section X: Appendix